Review in a Tweet: The Doctor returns with new revelations about River Song’s past against a Nazi-era backdrop. Great twists, a shape-shifting robot and Hitler cameos! Welcome back.
Best Line: "I'm inside a giant mechanical version of my wife. I'm really trying not to see this as a metaphor." - Rory Williams
Coolest Gadget: Sonic cane!
Tearjerker: the Teselecta transforming into River Song, showing Melody her future self. Penny in the air... penny drops!
Something for the Girls/Kids: Rory tells Hitler to shut up! Yay!
Something for the Fans: Rose! Martha! Donna!

Something for the Film Geeks: Melody calls the Doctor 'Benjamin'. This is a reference to The Graduate.
Episode Highlight: Mel getting shot by Hitler and regenerating into Melody!
Hats Off To Moffat: tying together so many loose ends from previous cliffhangers in one tidy (but exciting) adventure.
Hats Off To The Director: the montage of Amy, Mel and Rory's school days was classic.
Food For Thought: the future Doctor got shot at the start of the series, right? By now most people have assumed it was a Flesh replica of the Doctor. But could it also have been a Teselecta copy?
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