aOkay, I've been tagged in so many of these now that it's about time I wrote one. It was actually really addictive and I had trouble narrowing it down to just 25.
Here are 'The Rules'... if you get tagged then you have to write your own. Be honest. Write 25 Things: not a Thing more, not a Thing less. Have fun with it.
So here goes...
1. I think about Lost every six seconds.
2. I was allergic to peanuts in Year 6 and assume that I still am.
3. Jurassic Park is the reason I became a film fanatic. I saw it when I was seven and it remains my favourite film to this day.
4. I think the epilogue at the end of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows is an abomination.
5. I would like the following names for my children: Freddie, Charlotte, Harry, Eleanor and Flashdance.
6. I think the only thing funnier than a fart is a loud fart. The sooner society accepts that, the better.
7. I used to love the word ‘banter’ but now it makes me cringe. I guess that is what they call growing-up. Nevertheless, I still love my first, last and only nickname: Fairbanter.
8. I wish I was more like Sean.
9. I almost didn’t go to the house party where I met my girlfriend. I flipped a coin and let fate/chance decide.
10. When I was a young, I had sixteen short stories published in a local newspaper. Nowadays, I can only read one of them without shuddering.
11. I go to the gym for one reason only: to look good naked.
12. My name is engraved in the Council Chambers at the University of Birmingham Guild of Students. I feel this means I have made my mark, so I will be less bothered if I get hit by a bus.
13. I think His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman is the greatest thing ever written.
14. I recently visited Tokyo (see right), one of two places I have always wanted to see. The other is Reykjavik.
15. I know blogging is pointless but I love it all the same.
16. I am a highly-strung person who tries desperately hard to be easy-going (see No.8).
17. Despite playing basketball between the ages of 8 to 16 and qualifying as a referee, I don’t miss it one bit. However, I tell people I do because I think it makes me sound sporty.
18. I think people who quote Little Britain are the scum of the Earth.
19. When no-one is around I pretend that I am in a film. Usually fighting baddies.
20. Less isn’t more. More is more.
21. The only thing I have ever wanted to do is write stories. However, I have not written one since I was fifteen (see No.10) because I am scared of discovering that I am rubbish.
22. I need things to be tidy.
23. My hangover cure is a glass of ice cold milk and a bacon sandwich with brown sauce.
24. On average, Laura Clark makes me laugh eight times a day. Not once has this ever been intentional.
25. And finally: I love making those little triangles out of used crisp packets.
Lovely stuff.