No doubt due to my year as a student politican, I take New Year's Resolutions quite seriously. They are essentially a personal manifesto. Admittedly, unlike a political manifesto, nobody is holding me to account accept myself (and maybe this blog) so I think it is important to look back and see how I fared.
Okay, so, my NYR for 2008 were:
1. Drive - I passed my test in June and bought a car in August. Done.
2. More Smoothies, Less Beer - done. I even joined the Innocent Smoothie mailing list (see right).
3. Get Buff - my gym attendance has been sporadic but I did run two half-marathons and a 5km charity run.
4. Films: Watch More, Make More - I have watched more (especially Eastern cinema) but this is hard to measure. Unfortunately, I have made no films whatsoever.
5. Re-connect With Old Friends - done. Again, hard to measure but I rarely turn down a reunion opportunity and moving home has made it even easier to hang out with my old school friends.
Considering most people only have one Resolution per year, I could have done much worse. But, excuses, excuses, I shall be more hardcore with my 2009 NYR (see above)!
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